How To Think About Money

What if I Told You That Most of You Were Thinking About Money in the Wrong Way?

The average person has no idea what money really is and how to leverage it for a life filled with freedom. They use it to pay bills, buy food, and acquire things that they use for limited amounts of time before they're eventually unusable. Well, by the end of this newsletter, the way your mind comprehends the concept of money will dramatically change.

Money is a Tool That Allows You to Move Value Across Space and Time

For most people, money is emotional. It's personal. Your reality changes once you realize money is no different than a car or a vacuum cleaner—it serves a specific purpose. If the car takes you from A to B, money takes value from A to B. You extract value at your job and then transport that value to a different place at a different time.

— Money is like a traditional car — it'll take you wherever you wish to go as long as you are a good enough driver.

Use Money to Buy Yourself Peace, and You'll End Up With Happiness

You can't get to happiness without getting to peace first. So when they say that money can't buy you happiness directly, well, they fail to mention that money can buy you peace.

  • Peace comes from the lack of stress and worry. When we feel safe and that our future is predictably positive, we worry less because we're no longer worried about what we're going to eat tomorrow, where we're going to sleep, or if a tiger is hiding in the bushes.

  • Once you've bought your safety, you're left with non-money problems: How do I feel about myself? My relationships? What do I need to do to feel fulfilled?

Once you buy yourself peace, you will eventually arrive at happiness.

Broke is Temporary, Poor is Forever

  • Broke means you have no money.

  • Poor means you have no way of getting out of that no-money situation.

Poor people accept that their reality is permanent and unchangeable. They teach their children that they're poor and destined to be poor forever.

The only people who escape poverty are those who acknowledge they're currently broke but believe in change. They don't believe broke is permanent—they believe change is up to them, even if this means pushing harder than others who maybe got a better hand to begin with.

The broke seek to better themselves; they want tomorrow to be better than today and are willing to work for it.

The poor only think of the world in black-and-white terms. They wish to be rich, not to not be poor anymore.

There’s No Such Thing as a Money Cap

You want to know a secret we found out only after we became rich? Here it is: There’s no limit to money or success in this world.

Growing up, we were taught that there's always a limit to how much a company could pay an employee. This stems from being paid by the hour—the idea that there's a limit to the number of hours you can work in a day. This is factory-based remuneration and brainwashing.

Money is unlimited. They've got a printer that goes whenever the market asks for more.

Innovation is unlimited. Everything done today will be done faster, cheaper, and better tomorrow.

First You Learn, Then You Remove the “L”

You are paid in proportion to the value you can add to the marketplace. The truth is you can always increase your value output through **education**.

  • Learn how to use new tools, and your productivity and pay will increase.

  • Learn to build systems, communicate, and lead teams.

The problem is most people don’t know how to learn. Learning how to learn is the ultimate skill one can possess. Once you get it, everything is up for grabs.

Money Grows on Trees if You Know What Seeds to Plant

Here’s what most people do:

They go to work, put in effort, get paid, and then spend that money.

How dumb is that?

Instead of spending the money, plant it and nurture it so it grows into more money.

The poor spend money, while the rich have money trees.

Money is Never Yours, It’s Just Your Turn to Hold It

The entire world economy relies on spending—on money changing hands from one person to the next. Money is constantly flowing.

All you have to do is take part in the marketplace of exchanges. Once you have money, it’s just a matter of time until you give it to someone else in exchange for something you value more.

You’re Not Actually Spending Money, You’re Spending Your Time

Time is money, but it’s actually the other way around— money is time.

  • When you buy a $40,000 car, you’re not paying with money—you’re paying with 400 hours of your life.

  • The groceries you purchased cost you 2 hours of work, plus 40 minutes spent in the store browsing aisles.

Start thinking about spending in terms of time, not money.

With Debt, You’re Not Borrowing Money, You’re Buying It

You’re not borrowing money—you are renting it at a higher price. Every time you borrow money, you’re robbing time and effort from your future self.

Money is a Fungible Token

For those unfamiliar with crypto, it means money is replaceable with similar money of the same value. A $100 bill is worth the same as every other $100 bill—this is called fungibility.

  • Become non-fungible, or own non-fungible things with value, if you want to become super wealthy.

Your Money is Your Army

Your money is made up of $1 soldiers. You want them out there, conquering market share and bringing back prisoners so your army grows.

You Chose This Life, You Might As Well Make Money Out of It

You chose this, so make sure you give it your all. How are you supposed to quit when you haven’t made the money you wanted yet? Refocus, don’t quit.

The Problem with Money is It Doesn’t Hold Its Value Over Time

Money has been losing its power every day for the past 50 years. The same effort buys you 25 times less than 100 years ago. This is why the rich don’t keep money in the bank—they invest it.

Not All Money is the Same

People in different countries think in different currencies. But life becomes amazing when you earn in US dollars and spend in places like Indonesia. Explore financial arbitrage and the world of opportunity it brings.

Money Exists Only in Our Minds

Money is not real—it’s just numbers on a screen. Money, like religion, exists in our minds and souls. The moment you get emotional about it, it controls your life. Take a step back and see it for what it really is.


Don’t Make Money, Make Things That Make Money.

Most people get stuck in the rat race because they focus too much on making money. The only way to break free is to stop chasing money and start building things.

Now it’s your turn to try out these different perspectives in reality.

