9 Things To Do When You Are Bored

At Home

Before 1852, there was no word for boredom.

Today, it feels like everyone suffers from it because they don't have anything productive to do. To fill up their time, many people spend hours on social media every single day.

However, they could be using that time to improve their physical, financial, and mental strength. Because I know you're not that guy, the next time you're bored, I’m going to show you 9 activities everyone should do.

Improving Your Physical Health

1. Hack Parkinson's Law to Burn Fat 10x Faster

Parkinson's Law states that any task expands to fill the time that you give it. So next time you're bored, you can use this law to become more shredded. First, I want you to look at your room and determine how long it's going to take you to clean it. For most, this could be a few hours. I want you to take that time and cut it in half, and then cut it in half again. Next, you will set a timer and you will try to clean your entire room within this new time that you have allowed for it. Remember, according to Parkinson's Law, you should be able to complete that task.

To boost this even more, you can choose to play music that has a high number of beats per minute, because according to a study by the National Library of Medicine, this can increase your physical performance. Now, according to research, the average person can burn around 154 calories an hour as they clean. But this is cleaning at a normal pace. You are cleaning much faster and more efficiently. Therefore, in that time allotted, you will not only organize your room, you will also increase how much fat you're burning. Now think about this: you just improved your physical health by replacing one activity when you're bored.

I have 8 more that will make you more attractive, richer, and mentally stronger.

2. Triple Your Strength with the Min-Max Method

Next time you're bored, I want you to implement this min-max method to get stronger. You see, according to a study by the National Library of Medicine, researchers instructed a group of men to perform one max set of bench press reps three times a week for eight weeks. That's all they did. They basically maxed out reps three times a week with no other exercise. At the end of the trial, they observed equal, if not more strength, than the group that was performing high-volume work on a daily basis. So I want you to use this exact efficient method for yourself. You can do this with any workout: pull-ups, squats, or push-ups.

When you wake up in the morning and you're bored, instead of reaching for your phone, I want you to get up and do one max set rep of whatever desired workout, whether that's pull-ups or push-ups, all the way till failure. Then you will create a personal goal to beat yesterday's record. Every day you go for a set to failure, what you're going to notice is that after a few weeks of doing this exercise, you will get stronger in the most efficient way possible.

3. Build a Grooming Routine That Makes You Attractive

Your grooming routine should focus on the one area that will increase your attractiveness more than anything else: the external layer of your skin. So the next time you're bored, I want you to do these three things and optimize how good your skin looks.

First, I need you to stop using your hands to wash your face. According to studies, a person's hands can harbor more than 10 million different bacteria. This can cause acne, cysts, and ingrown hairs. Instead, use a facial scrubber. I use a silicon bristle scrubber from PMD. The bristles are not only more effective but also 100% hygienic, as I wash it every time I use it on my face.

Second, I want you to invest in blue light exposure. If you truly want to impact the external layer of your skin, you need to penetrate deeper within your skin so your new skin grows in a healthy way. This is why blue light is so effective. As a matter of fact, in a specific study with 33 participants, 90% of them saw massive improvements in their skin by using blue light twice a day. I like the PMD because it's a two-in-one, it's efficient, and it's been FDA cleared.

This takes us to the third and most important step: add vibration therapy. According to a study by the National Library of Medicine, vibration on the skin can increase blood circulation and collagen production. In the short term, this will make your skin look fuller, and in the long term, it will prevent wrinkles. Of course, the same wand that I use provides 7,000 vibrations a minute, giving you the optimal amount you need to stimulate collagen production.

If you haven't noticed yet, when you're bored, you usually have no motivation to do something. But with the three grooming steps I'm giving you, each of them provides a spa-like treatment that not only relaxes you but also increases dopamine, or the pleasantness of doing the act, to motivate you to actually get through this. By the end of it, when you look at yourself in the mirror and see just how good your skin looks, you'll want to keep doing it again and again. You will no longer be bored.

Activities to Make You Money

4. Learn a New Language to Increase Your Earning Potential

According to a study conducted by the Language Connection Foundation, learning a new language can boost your earning potential by 20%. Here's an easy way to pick a new language when you're feeling bored:

First, you need to download some sort of learning application. A good free one is Duolingo. Next, you will put that language application at the bottom bar of your phone, making it easier to access and the first thing you see before you open up social media. Set a goal to learn that language for at least 10 minutes a day. To reinforce that habit, reward yourself with 10 minutes of something that could be more pleasurable, like being on social media. That way, you will train your brain to do the hard tasks to get the reward that you're looking for.

5. Stop Reading Entire Books to Become Rich

Everyone tells you that the secret to becoming rich is to read books, and they aren't wrong. According to a recent study conducted by The Economic Journal, those who read business books earn 21% more than those who don't. But here's the truth that most rich people won't admit: you don't have to read the entire thing. If you're bored, you're not going to pick up a book and just read it. It's not rewarding enough, it's not motivating enough. Instead, start by only reading the summary to see if the book has the information you need today. If it does, then read the chapters that apply to what you need to accomplish today.

What's going to happen is you're not only going to consume powerful information that will make you richer, you're going to do it in an efficient way that's also going to be motivating, making you want to pursue new information that's valuable to you at your current state. It is the best hack for people that are bored and don't want to read an entire book. Within 100 days, you could technically go through and receive the most valuable information from 100 different books. You could read a book a day.

6. Make Money Instantly with the 12-12-12 Method

This is a decluttering method that you can do the next time that you're bored that will also make you money. During a study published by the Social Science Network, researchers gathered 101 female participants and put them into two groups. One group was placed in a cluttered environment, with the second group placed in a tidy environment. Both groups were then asked questions while being offered snacks to eat. Those who were placed in a messy environment ate 103 calories, versus those who were placed in a tidy environment, who only ate 38 calories. This proves that a cluttered environment leads to impulsive decision-making.

So you're going to use the 12-12-12 method to organize your room, declutter your mind, and earn some money. All you need to do is go to your room and find 12 items you want to sell and 12 items you want to put for rent. You will take the 12 items you want to sell and sell them on marketplaces like eBay or Facebook Marketplace. Take the 12 items you want to rent and place them on marketplaces that allow you to rent clothes for a designated time while you get paid while others wear your clothes.

Improving Your Mental Strength

7. Take a Personality Test to Understand Your Strengths and Weaknesses

A lot of men think that they understand themselves, that they know their strengths and weaknesses. Most of them are wrong. The next time you're bored, I want you to take the 16 personality test that over 88% of Fortune 500 CEOs take themselves to better understand themselves and be high performers. Then you will operate like a high performer. You're going to identify your top five weaknesses for your specific personality and work on reducing their impact on your life. For example, let's say the test determines that impulsivity is one of your weaknesses. You will then research impulsivity and figure out how to stop it. By doing so, you will turn your five biggest weaknesses into strengths, making you unstoppable and developing mental strength.

8. Create Time Capsule Videos to Get You Through Tough Times

Growth is hard for the human brain to understand, which means no matter what you achieve, you'll always want to push for more. So I'm going to show you how to fix that by creating Time Capsule videos. First, sit down in front of a camera—you can use your iPhone—and address the camera as though you are talking to a weakened version of yourself. Highlight everything you have achieved, every struggle you've made it through, and then remind yourself of what the goal is.

I do this on a monthly basis. It's almost like my personal journal, but what happens is it's more powerful than a journal because when you've been going through days, weeks, or months that are hard, you're consistent, and you feel like you've seen no progress, you can always go back to these videos to remind yourself of your purpose, your ultimate goal, and how far you've come. This also becomes a great time capsule. I literally have a whole hard drive with hundreds of videos that I've done of myself, documenting every struggle and trial that I faced. When I go back and see them, I laugh because I realize I was able to overcome them. You are just as powerful, and if you document it, you'll be able to see that.

9. Attend Random Meetups to Build Confidence

Most people are bored on the weekend with nothing to do, which leads them to just staying in every single weekend. But you have to understand that you'll never improve, you'll never get better at talking to girls or meeting new people if all you do is stay in your room. And before you say, "Well, I don't get invited anywhere," you have to create your own destiny. You have to take control. Remember, I've said this before: no one's coming to save you, but you can save yourself.

You're going to sign up for a platform like Meetup or LinkedIn and then find local events in your area. Create a list of events that are happening on Friday nights or Saturday nights, rank them depending on what you want to attend, and then force yourself to attend at least one of these every week. By doing this, you will no longer be bored, you will become comfortable with being uncomfortable, diversify your friendships, and boost your confidence and knowledge.

Next time you're bored, I want you to pull this newsletter out and do all nine things that I just showed you. These activities are simple to do and will level you up across your physical, financial, and mental well-being.

See you boys next time!

